The Baptism of Our + Lord – January 12th,
Year of Our + Lord 2014
Trinity and St. John Lutheran Churches,
Sidney and Fairview, Montana
Remember Your Name - Matthew 3:13-17
is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Why did God the Father say that? Do you suppose Jesus needed help, remembering
His Name? Or should I say Names? Jesus, tiny little Jesus, laying in a manger,
already had a whole slew of names:
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,
Son of the Most High, Holy One, Son of God.
Many more would come: the Door, the Good Shepherd, the Way, the Truth
and the Life, the Light of the World, the Bread of Heaven, the Son of Man, the
Nazarene, the Teacher, the Prophet, Son of David, Lord, and King, the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world. God
the Father’s declares from the cloud, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I
am well pleased." Was that for
Jesus’ benefit? Was the Father reminding
Jesus who He is, originally and eternally, namely the Son of God, as in the
second person of the Holy Trinity, God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
I tend to say no. Jesus is God, He doesn’t need to be reminded
of anything. Although there is this to
consider: apparently God the Father spoke twice, or said one sentence in some
divine way that doubles its impact. You
see, in telling the same story, Mark and Luke report the Father saying, “You are my beloved Son, with You I am well pleased.” Matthew reports as though the Father was
speaking to John the Baptist, or to the crowds, saying look, this one, He is my
Son. Luke and Mark report God speaking
directly to Jesus, “You are my Son,” as if to encourage and strengthen Jesus
with these profound words, just as He is about to enter into temptation, and
into the ultimate struggle with sin, death and the devil.
It’s always tricky to try to talk about the person
of the man Jesus, distinct from His person as the Son of God, but maybe, in
regards to His human nature, Mark and Luke are speaking of the strengthening
that Jesus did need, and which He received at various times, as angels
ministered to Him after the Temptation, and in the Garden of Gethsemane, and
how various women ministered to His needs, throughout His earthly ministry. The Almighty, needing help? That makes no sense. And yet, certainly in the life of Jesus we
see the Almighty accepting help. A very deep
We won’t nail down exactly whether Jesus
needed help remembering His Name here this morning, but certainly you and I
do. Now, I’m not referring to you
forgetting that you are Mabel or Mitchell or Matthew, but rather I refer to you
and I forgetting, sometimes on purpose, the Names that we have been given, and the
implications of those Names, the Names that come from our to Jesus, the Son of
For instance, when needy people,
financially needy, or emotionally needy, or spiritually needy people, make
unreasonable demands on us, we are tempted to forget that we have been called ‘Christian.’ The word meanings are wandering away from
each other these days, but Baptism and Christening historically refer to the
same event in the life of a Christian, the wet and wordy public entry into the
Church of Christ, that public declaration by God through His minister,
splashing a bit of water over you in obedience to Christ’s command. You are Baptized, you have been Christened,
that is, Christ has put His Name on you, and so you are properly called a
Christian, which means “little Christ.”
And yet, when we “little Christs” are
called upon to live out our Name, even just a bit, for the sake of some needy
person who has come into our lives, how often do we try to find an excuse to
put them off, a rule to judge them by, anything but respond in a way similar to
how Christ responded to our needs? We
don’t like to do our name, ‘Christian,’ because we know the Christ poured
Himself out in order to meet the greatest needs of the most needy people ever,
condemned sinners, holding nothing back, giving His all to the ultimate. We don’t much want to do the same, do
we? We don’t much want to pour ourselves
out for the needy, do we? How often do
you and I avoid giving even a little to some needy person, thereby forgetting
or denying the name Christian?
There’s another Name we could talk about,
maybe not exactly ever used as a name in Scripture, but so clearly and so often
applied to us that certainly we could understand it like a name. For we are the ‘Forgiven.’ The Forgiving One, God Almighty, for the sake
of the only begotten, crucified and resurrected Son, forgives us, and
forgets. If we say we have no sin, we
deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
But if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive
our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Period.
No strings attached. Washed clean
again, this time without any water at all.
Free forgiveness, that is what God is pushing. And so, we are rightly to be called the ‘Forgiven.’ Amen.
I almost hate to bring it up, but it’s true. We are rightly called the ‘Forgiven,’ but
when God puts an opportunity before us to live out this Name, when we have a chance to forgive someone,… oh, well, now, shouldn’t we be careful and
make sure the other person is really reformed, make sure that it won’t happen
again, before we forgive? It won’t do any good for us to be a doormat,
now, would it? We should just
kinda-sorta reconcile…ish, all the while cataloging the offense and reserving
our anger, just in case they do something again, so then we can really let them
have it.
You know you do it. You know I do it. And I
know I do it. To actually forgive
someone is to give away your power over them.
As long as I can nurse the offense and hold it over some one, I can use
it to try to control them. But to
forgive is to empty yourself, to expose yourself to a sinner, without any
guarantee that they will receive your forgiveness, without any guarantee that
they will receive your love, without any guarantee that they will love you
Remember your Name, baptized Christian,
child of God, forgiven one. Remember
your Name, because you got it from Jesus, who has already done all those
forgiving things that you and I are afraid to do. Jesus, out of love for His Father and love
for you, gave up all His power, and He had all of it, He is Almighty God. Jesus gave up the power and prerogative of
being the Lord God Almighty. Jesus came
to a people, a whole world full of people who did not want to reconcile with
God, and He reconciled them anyway, reconciling the whole world to His Father,
in His own Body, freely taking on all our sins, freely emptying Himself,
exposing Himself to the hatred of sinners, without any guarantee that you and I
would receive His love, without any guarantee that we would love Him back.
And yet, He is the Creator and Redeemer. He is the maker of new hearts. And so, even though many, far too many
people, reject God’s Son, He did know that others would be turned. Even as He predicted Peter’s three-time
denial, Jesus knew He would get Peter back.
Jesus predicted Peter’s denials, but then also says to Peter, “once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." All those
written in His Book of Life will be re-born, made new, counted righteous,
worthy of eternal life. For the joy of
sitting at the center of that congregation of redeemed and holy people, Jesus
poured out His blood, to forgive the sins of the whole world, including yours,
and mine.
Remember your Name. Jesus Christ is the Righteous One, that is,
the One without fault, the One totally good, totally loving, totally right with
God the Father. Jesus is the Righteous
One, and the One who fulfills all righteousness, for you and me. This is what He began to do at His Baptism,
identifying with sinners, entering the water as if He had something to repent
for, being baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness, for us sinners. Jesus fulfilled all righteousness by facing,
and rejecting, the temptations that Adam and Eve and all their children give
into. Jesus fulfilled all righteousness
by loving His neighbors as Himself, always, every time putting God and neighbor
before Himself, fulfilling the Law’s requirement for love, fulfilling the law, in
the place of the whole world. And of
course, Jesus fulfilled all righteousness by accepting the full punishment that
all the sins of every person of all time require. No one is outside the Atonement of Christ, the
blood of Jesus covers all sin, and so He sends His Church to declare repentance
and forgiveness, to all people. And so, you are rightly called Righteous, in
Christ Jesus, your Savior.
This was an especially powerful sermon. Thank you for the labor and thought put into it.